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My Take On Election Pakistan 2018

I turn on the television and what I see is a variety of views, manifestos, party flags, colours, and candidates, hustle and bustle of the different crowds hooting and cheering their leaders in campaigns. Yes, I’m talking about elections in Pakistan. The long-never-ending span of 5 years of government tenure has finally come to an end yet again.  Yesterday people of Pakistan got up, went out and casted their votes on 25th of July  ̶  the election day. 

After the vigorous polling at hundreds of polling stations around Pakistan, it seems PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chaired by Imran Khan has got the most seats and will be forming coalition government amalgamating with independent candidates and/or other parties if need be, in Pakistan after all.

The struggle has been real and strenuous, back in 2013 election, Imran Khan had so much support too but somehow couldn’t win it like PML-N who henceforth formed the government.
Whatever the results in the end be, one thing is absolute, Imran Khan has created awareness amongst the juvenile generation, which is a great thing in itself. He has shown the importance of a vote and how it can play a part in the future of a country.
Nawaz Sharif (former Prime Minister) and his daughter(Maryam Nawaz) behind bars for 10 years and 7 years respectively, was the fruitful outcome of a continuous struggle of the opposition including Imran Khan, majorly. Nawaz Sharif being convicted twice, first due to iqama(work permit) case and then due to financial evidence of owning Avenfield Apartments in London was sentenced to 10 years in jail and a 8 million pound fine. His daughter too was convicted 7 years jail-time and 2 million pound fine in the same case. Moreover, Hanif Abbasi an important party member of PML-N was recently sentenced to life imprisonment in the ephedrine case by the anti-narcotic court on 21st July, 2018. These two setbacks affected PML-N image immensely and henceforth or otherwise PML-N couldn’t sustain their seats in this election and lost many seats. This also affected the economy of Pakistan as well, the currency devalued seemingly.

A lot of Pakistanis are anxious to see Imran Khan taking the office of Prime Minister and the celebrations have been in order since yesterday, all night till today and will go on hopefully. Hope, change and accountability, these words are what Imran stood up for and have led the people to vote for him and succeeded seemingly.

The rangers of Pakistan under army oversaw the polling procedure and ensured that no rigging took place. Well, no one can actually be the judge of that. However, I feel the establishment and the agencies have a great deal in playing in on politics and everything implicitly. Martial Law or no Martial Law  ̶  establishment stands through always behind the faces of politicians. This might sound odd but that’s true to some extent. One can agree or disagree here.

Indian media feels uneasy and has reservations in Imran Khan becoming the Prime Minister as to their ties are concerned, probably because Imran Khan won’t be easy to scrape by and that the status quo has changed(no more Nawaz Sharif, who was good friends with Modi).

PTI has won over a 100 National Assembly (NA) seats and 137 NA seats out of 272 NA seats constitute a majority to form government, so it seems PTI is going to form government.

KPK government under PTI has showed reasonable and visible improvements in the province like depoliticizing police and making it more independent, making mobile health services available, improving government schools thereby leading to students shifting there from private schools, making online FIR system and much more.

Keeping the biasness aside, let’s all hope that everything turns out good for Pakistan and that Imran Khan delivers to the country.

This article is solely based on one individual's opinion formulated based on some factual details. 

Let me know who'd you vote for in the comments.

Have a nice day! 

Link Source: Wikipedia


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