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15 Worst Advice You May Come Across

You must have come across a lot of people who would’ve given you free advice at some point in your life, I’m sure.

“Go for that….no, don’t go for that.” And, similar comments and advice that come in like they are the ones in control of your life. They feel as if they know a lot as of experience and that we should listen in order to succeed.

Well, in reality, not all of the pieces of advice that people receive are good. They are not all true. No, they are not.

I have come across bad advice like most of you too, realizing it too late. I feel it’s your life and your instincts, you decide what YOU are going to make of it.

Some of the worst advice that I have heard from my peers and people around me, I am going to mention below.

Only hang out with the like-minded people.

Having like-minded people around would be a good influence. I don’t think so. Life doesn’t work that way always. Even, the people you understand the most can mislead you or misguide you. On the other hand, very different type of people can turn out to be the best for you.

‘GET OVER IT’ in situations of emotional or mental instability, bullying.

Getting over something that has had an immense impact on you in terms of trauma and agony in some cases is not as easy as they say it. And, getting over such events and incidents impacts your life, and how you are going to lead it, strong or weak. Just like they show in 13 Reasons Why and I quote Mr. Kevin Porter(Counselor) saying to Hannah Baker, “Move on..” I mean how can one just do that, show weakness or submit or succumb to injustice?

3.  Be positive always.

Yes, I understand the importance of this phrase but this is not the sole way at all times, not always. Sometimes, you have to take in the odds to survive through.

4.  Don’t question or argue with elders or with the ones with authority and just keep your head down.

The system is always right and the people in it everywhere. Is it? I don’t think so, most of the times, it happens that someone below in ranks to the other finds out a flaw in some process or in the workings of a senior employee. Going by the set rules doesn’t always result in progress.

5. Always go by the RULES. RULES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

The rules are made by man and man can miss out on things that need to be looked upon. Questioning the rules will make you go around them and excel.

6. “Complete college(graduation/get a job etc) and life will become easy afterwards.”

This chain of doing and/or completing tasks for years and waiting for life to become easy is an irony in itself; it never gets any easier, it only gets difficult.
You gotta make life easier for you in all stages, and it’s not impossible.

7. “Nothing is impossible.”

I disagree, maybe something is just not meant for you(mind me being cynical here but it’s the bitter truth at times, trust me), you just need to realize it and stop wasting time in pursuing it.

8. “You will find good friends in university.”

Well, for me I’m not sure, the friends I consider ‘good’ as of now, might become my enemies, I’m just saying. But, I’ve heard from graduates that it seems all-glittery at first in the freshman and sophomore years, you’ll find out soon. People can be like snakes!

9. “Try to make everybody happy.”

Well, this one is the worst among all the pieces of advice I have received. You can’t make everybody happy even if you sell out all your organs. There will be people talking and criticizing before and after whatever you do. People talk, that’s what they do and they will till you die. Listen to all but do what deems right by you.

“Do the theoretical portion and you’ll be good enough.”

Well, in its face, I’d say, no matter how many manuals or books you read on how to drive a car; you wouldn’t be able to do it right if you don’t try it in reality, so practice is also important.

11. You’re wasting your time in school.

School-life, as naive and preposterous it might seem during the days of living it and going through it – is not wasteful. It is going to be the foundation of whatever you’re going to become as a person who earns a livelihood.

Happiness can’t be bought by money.

We, humans thrive and pursue money at all stages of life, our life revolves around it. We feel happy if all our dues are paid and that we have enough to fulfil our needs and desires. Without money, you might think you’re happy, but deep-down having money would make you happier. Though, you might feel comfortable being miserable at times. But, I think life doesn’t work like as shown in the movies.

13. Be yourself.

How optimistic and legit it may seem but I might become a better someone if I pretend to become that someone. Being yourself is not the only way. You should fake it to become it.

14. You should not go to a country to live where you don’t know their language.

How true it might seem to you but that’s not true. Yes, it’s difficult but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It is. I have had friends and relatives get the hang of Chinese and German in China and Germany respectively, living off a lucrative job after thriving much.

15. Listen to your heart always.

I think listen to your brain in all areas, as heart gets you screwed most of the time. Put your brain on the work and do the hard work and your heart will find its place there, just try it.

So, in conclusion, you can listen to the advice but do as you please and what seems right to you, taking into account all the pro's and con's of the situation.


  1. I agree with you on most of these - they are pretty bad advice in reality. However, others, I don't mind so much and I'm even guilty of saying myself (oops!)


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