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Life Is Impermanent

Life – an impermanent amalgam of joy, pain, grievances, tragedies, achievements, moments of pride, ups and downs, rise and fall of people, things and times.

We develop different perceptions about life along the journey ourselves, learning from our experiences along the way. Life is beautiful. Life is hard. Life can be a torture for someone. Not everyone has the same fate and not everyone is positive about their future. Our hopes are fragile, they can be easily lost by incidents and constant setbacks if one is not strong.

If we accept that life is impermanent and that nothing lasts forever. Happiness doesn't last forever. People and possessions come and go like wind at times. As a famous quote by Buddha, "Nothing is forever, except change." Change is inevitable. Life is ever-changing.


We can't hold onto everything that is good. Not even on the things that aren't good, because there's no guarantee if they'll last or not. So, be content with life and link your expectations not just with the efforts you put in but also with fate. Because, you might not get that one thing for which you'd been working your ass off. Then, there fates kicks in, you just accept it, it could be possible that, that venture wasn't meant for you. But, this doesn't mean you should stop trying after the failing at first your first attempt. 

If you grow past all worldly desires and material possessions, then and only then, can you have a different insight on what life is about and what we go through our lives daily. You will notice that it's a big journey – birth to death.

We are running a race in the pursuit of the endless. Technology has a big part to play in it. If you detach yourself from everything for a day and think what is our purpose, where are you headed. You might get some answers if you do it without any disturbances.
The human mind is a complex thing, it has most of the answers, you just have to look closely for them.

Moreover, aside from the topic, you would've heard of the Murphy's Law, which states, "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong".
Now, this law basically entails and suggests to have backup plans and to be wary of all the things that can go wrong and to prepare beforehand for them. This applies to daily life as well. For instance, if it feels like rainy, you should carry an umbrella in your bag before walking to school or doing your assignments on Saturday as to something might come up on Sunday.

In conclusion, just be cautious and careful about the your status quo, there's no surety as to whether it will stay the same or not and about the possible changes that could happen. 


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