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How To Find Out Your Life Purpose In 5 Minutes

Okay, so the other day I was surfing through the internet to my leisure and boredom.
Suddenly, I stumbled upon a question on Quora about not knowing your purpose in life and is there any way to just know it.
I kept browsing through the web for any answers. Well, I was swarmed with answers. There were thousands of books written over the same subject, you must be aware of that fact.
I’m pretty sure you would’ve come across the same question at some point in your life. 

Nowadays, with the advent of day-to-day new technology which has surely made our routines so busy that we don’t have time to read a whole book to find answers rather quick answers, like on our friendly companion: Google!

Amongst my pursuit for the right and short answer, I came across a TEDx Video of around 10 minutes. That was it.
I’ll be sharing some light on that. Go grab a seat and get ready to focus on what’s about to come. It will only take 5 minutes.
So, there are 5 little questions that you need to ask yourself.
1.   Who are you?
2.   What do you do?
3.   Who do you do it for?
4.   What do those people want or need?
5.   And what did those people get out of it or how did they change as a result?

Getting on with the first one. With me, say your name out aloud. That’s it, that’s who you are. Moving on, what do you do? Think of the one thing you love to do. Wait, I know there must dozens of them. Scale it down to the one thing that you love to do that involves other people. You serve and help people in pain. You solve problems. You share knowledge. You write, code, run, or play as an athlete. That’s what you do. So far, that only took merely a moment of our time and we’re done with the first two questions.
On with the third one, who do you do it for? Now, close your eyes and think of the people or person you do it for. It could be your family, friends, yourself, everyone or anyone. Yes, say it out aloud so that you know. What do those people want or need? Ask yourself. Help, medicine, advice, and knowledge, getting their problems solved, any peculiar service or anything else.
We are almost there. The last one. How did the people you do it for change as a result? Making people look and feel better if you are a designer. Giving children awesome dreams if you a writer. Release people out of their depression or psychological issues if you are a therapist or psychiatrist.
There you have it. The important aspect of this exercise is that you need to remember that only two of the questions were about you and the rest three were about other people, so you should look towards making others happy and taking care of them, and as one of life’s truths is that you will also be taken care of.

Now whenever somebody asks you what do you do. Just say the last thing you just said out aloud. The part where the people you do it for change as a result of what you do. Like for example: you give kids awesome dreams(if you are a writer). This bit spikes curiosity in others and they’ll be eager to know how you do it. It kind of lifts your personality pitch for you and you’d feel satisfied. You make people happy. You’ll be happy.
I hope you found that helpful. Have a nice day!
If you want to watch the video, go here: Watch TEDx Video on Youtube


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