An ancient legend says that nobody comes out of the womb of the mother into this world all prepared.This world,thus,is a ground to learn and explore.Some are quick learners while others are slow and thus lag behind.The latter goes for me.I feel I am not among those who get the job done in the first go.That is why,I botch up every task.
Apart from all of my other weak areas,everybody perceives me as a total bloke when it comes to public speaking.Adrenaline comes out every time in such an exorbitant amount that I couldn't handle the situation and in the midst of the chills and stammers caused,my speech gets screwed.My colleagues used to pester me a lot.I never showed any feelings of hatred neither did they show any sign of remorse.But,deep down,I detested them.Their abilities of speaking confidently made me invidious.I couldn't help it.I could sense the schadenfreude among everybody.
However,these days passed somehow.I didn't hold onto the past and had moved on.I guess that is why I finally overcame my fear of public speaking.I was leaving my school.Actually,my class was to be given farewell that year,as we had to join college,and leave the school.The night of the farewell came.Everybody was clad in formal attire,including myself.Tuxedos and formal dresses have always been the vogue of every farewell party.The coiffures all around were unique and eye-catching.The series of events went by quite smoothly.The dance part was so overwhelming that I was taken away by its effects.I danced like anything.It was somewhat involuntary.
However,these days passed somehow.I didn't hold onto the past and had moved on.I guess that is why I finally overcame my fear of public speaking.I was leaving my school.Actually,my class was to be given farewell that year,as we had to join college,and leave the school.The night of the farewell came.Everybody was clad in formal attire,including myself.Tuxedos and formal dresses have always been the vogue of every farewell party.The coiffures all around were unique and eye-catching.The series of events went by quite smoothly.The dance part was so overwhelming that I was taken away by its effects.I danced like anything.It was somewhat involuntary.
It made me feel strange but free.This feeling prolonged so much so,that I realized I had given a whole two minute long speech.I just couldn't believe that I didn't bungle this time.Those two minutes meant everything to me.They were my life-changers.I had finally got a voice,worth using.It redounded to my personality.
It was a fremd day for me.I had done what I feared once.Now I could face the supercilious people who used to laugh at me.I had been waddling in a quagmire of troubles caused due to this fear which I overcame and thus,I finally came out of it.My time at my alma mater was more of a slog.I managed not to give up and thus I finally succeeded in overcoming what I feared to do the most.

Amazing !! Very Good !!